LASER TECHNOLOGY AND cutting edge EQUIPMENT right in Cap Hill
Laser hair removal in Cap Hill works off beams of highly concentrated light designed to penetrate hair follicles. The light is absorbed by the melanin in the follicles and destroys hair within the follicle, thus stopping future growth.
Like any professional, you need the right tool for the right job. That’s why Eleven11 Laser + Skincare uses the Quanta Light Evo. It’s FDA approved, for the permanent reduction of hair growth** and delivers the finest results of any technology we’ve ever gotten our hands on.
Unlike shaving or waxing, laser hair removal in Cap Hill is your best weapon against coarse, dark hair while leaving the surrounding skin untouched. The razor burns and bumps from shaving are a thing of the past, along with ingrown hairs (something nobody wants around the bikini area!)
Eleven11 Laser + Skincare uses the Quanta Light Evo for Laser Hair Removal and Elos Plus for IPL and Skin Rejuvenation treatments. The Quanta Light Evo is FDA-approved for the permanent reduction of hair growth*. The Elos Plus combines optical (pulsed light) and radio frequency (RF) energies to deliver comfortable treatments that deeply penetrate the skin. Both of these devices deliver the finest results of any technology we’ve ever gotten our hands on.
(**Laser hair removal works best on darker, thicker hair. It is not effective on blond hair, grey hair or red hair. We discourage tanning of any kind during your treatments, and no retinoids on the areas to be treated.)